I Don’t Wanna, The Day I Had to Join Social Media

So today, my main customer is 120, 90, 60 and 30 days past due on their bills. I don’t think I am going to get paid by them. Normally, I would have fired them after 30 days but we were friends for a couple of decades before they got exploitative so I had a blind spot. Because of this I realize I need to diversify my revenue streams more. Then I realized I would have to join social media. I really don’t want to but everything requires it these days.

You’re in IT. How can you not be on social media?

There are a couple of reasons. I am Gen Xer so I didn’t grow up with it. I have a very clear understanding of what that data can do in the wrong hands. Then there is the fact that the moral characters of FaceBook, Google and Silicon Valley are really bad people. No matter what lens you look at those companies in, they are awful human beings, doing a shocking amount of damage to their employees, customers and society as a whole. Who the hell wants to give them more power?

So if it is so bad then why are you joining?

They have the power over the economy and I still have to eat. Don’t expect me to get all social media on you though. There is pretty reasonable research that says that social media is bad for people and society as a whole. There is an endless bucket of abuses from these companies you could find in the press. They are bad people. I hate doing business with bad people.

As I work to diversify my revenue streams, I realize I don’t really have a choice. I miss the good old days of evil when it was Microsoft being Satan because they loved money while delivering good products. Boy, did our regulators fail to pay attention.

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