How to Install Ubertooth, Part 1: Install libbtbb

We have finally achieved the dream. Now, we will start the process of installing Ubertooth. If you look at the direction from Ubertooth, they have several more steps. Since this is a hand hold tutorial for us poor Windows folks, we are going to follow the natural breaks. I am doing this because without it, it will be difficult to not have a monster blog post. Those are difficult to read and to write. That is why I broke up the prerequisites into their own bit size bits. With that being said let start with an Ubertooth dependency and install libbtbb.

So what is the libbtbb library?

The best way I can frame it is it is the gears in a clock called Ubertooth. It is where the packet handling and all the stuff that this project does is contained. It’s where the bluetooth stuff is stored.

Install libbtbb

As with all of this series of tutorials, the first step is to open the terminal from your Kali desktop.

Kali Terminal

Download libbtbb

With that out of the way lets get into the libbtbb library. We will need to enter wget -O libbtb-2018-06-R1.tar.gz and press the enter key.

Assuming you got all the parts typed in correctly, you will get a screen like this.

Now if you do not or you want to get a newer version. You can check that. Go to here and figure out the name of the release you want. Swap it out for the filename. Let’s break down what we just did.

wget, this is a file retrieval program. In its argument list we chose the web address we want to retrieve. In this case we are look for a GZip Tarball called 2018-06-R1 from the address The next argument -O is the flag for output and the final argument is the file name we are outputting. In this case it is the misspelled libbtb-2018-06-R1.tar.gz. I don’t care because I just have to keep it straight when I deal with the file. It may even be helpful for those struggling through this tutorial.

Set Build Up for libbtbb

With that out of the way lets move on. We need to open the tarball. In the terminal type tar xf libbtb-2018-06-R1.tar.gz.

Wasn’t that exciting. Nothing appears to have happened. Lets dig into what is going on in this line.

We are calling the tar, a compression tool, to open the file libbtb-2018-06-R1.tar.gz. This is the misspelled file from above. Now the xf are flags. The x flag means extract while f flag means file. So we are telling the computer, execute the tar program that will extract a file called libbtb-2018-06-R1.tar.gz. To prove this let run a list command, at the terminal prompt type ls.

Ignore the Ubertooth stuff, this was post download of its files. This was my only ls picture.

Notice the red text, libbtb-2018-06-R1.tar.gz. That is are tarball file. The blue libbtbb-2018-06-R1 is the directory that the tarball unzipped.

So at the prompt we want to type cd libbtbb-2018-06-R1 so that we can change directory into the new directory.

What we see after is the text turn blue on the other size of the # prompt. We are in the directory.

Now we enter a new command to make a directory called build. Since we are in the libbtbb-2018-06-R1 directory, this will create the build here.

Because we were successful, nothing really happens from our point of view.

So to prove it exists, lets go visit it. We will change directory into the new build directory by typing cd build and pressing enter.

Notice again that the build appears blue on the left of the # prompt. We are here.

Build libbtbb

While we are here, we might as well build something. At the prompt, type cmake .. and press enter. Note that it has a space and both periods.

We see everything starts building. Remember that cmake library we installed. Well here is where we play with it. We call it and tell it to prep a make here with the parent directory. So now is the time to make it. At the prompt type make and press enter. After all that work we get some more lovely techno-babble.

Finally, we have a compiled library. Wrapping this up we need to get it install in the system so at the prompt type sudo make install and press enter. Since we are in the build directory still, we can make an administrator call to install what we just made.

With this it is now over, since this is a Linux install, need to update the cache of libraries so the OS knows its there to use when it comes time to do this process with Ubertooth. At the prompt type sudo ldconfig and type enter.

As with before, we have received a laconic response of success. Since we got that response, go team us. We have gotten the heart of Ubertooth installed. Now it is time for its face.

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