Let’s Get Kali Updated

First thing we have to do in my Ubertooth install on our freshly made Kali Linux install is to get everything updated. Now, I am a Windows guy. As a result, I don’t play with Linux on a daily basis. So hold your breath and prepare yourself for a post that has been hit with the ugly stick, multiple times.

Opening the terminal

First things first press the command line icon in the Kali Linux desktop. Its tooltip calls it “Terminal”

Kali Desktop-Terminal Icon Location

If you do it correctly, you get something like this.

Kali Terminal

Updated Kali

First things first, we need to run an update. In the terminal type apt update.

apt update

After it finishes you get some requests for upgrading.

apt update complete

Upgraded Kali

Now we have some upgradable things. The next item will run the upgrade commands.

As a side note, I am going to run the clear command between each set to keep my screen as clear as possible. So if you want to match up with me make sure to run “clear” between each command set.

At the command prompt type apt upgrade.

apt upgrade

When this finishes, you will most likely get a confirmation prompt. Press “Y” and keep on trucking.

apt upgrade confirmation

Now it will be time to kick back relax because it can take a long bloody time for the process to complete. After it is finished we will need to get various libraries. I will warn you that every time I install a Linux install there is often different libraries that need to be updated. Should you run into them, it is generally safe to do whatever the default action is because it is generally asking permission. If you are doing this for white hat activities, you should be more careful.

Your list may vary, so pay attention to the messages that get pooped out by the terminal window when we get to the Ubertooth program or even the libraries themselves.

My list of programs:

  • cmake
  • libusb-1.0-0-dev
  • Pyside2
  • libluetooth-dev
  • pkg-config
  • libpcap-dev
  • python-numpy
  • python-qt4

Wrapping this post up, we have Kali updated and ready to go. We still have to get through the list of libraries to install but for both SEO and brevity purposes, I think I will break them all up into there own posts. It will also make it easier for me to reference in the future.

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