Now that we pushed through CMake install, it is time for pie. Of course I don’t mean that kind of pie. I mean its time for PySide. More specifically, it is time to install PieSide2. I mean install PySide2. I am going to have some issue avoiding pie puns I fear.
So what is PySide2 and why we don’t want 1?
It is a bit murky but as near as I can tell. PySide1 was not really a thing. It was an older project, PyQT. Now this is really outside my bailiwick but PySide2 was design to work with a later QT library. It for making GUI Widgets so that is fun. I believe this works for the scanning program for Ubertooth. That is at least the best guess from my research.
We are trying to go off topic here so let’s get to the install. Let’s dig into it.
PySide2 Install
Now at the prompt, send the following characters to the prompt using that keyboard of yours, pip install PySide2.

After some gobbledygook, you will get this:

Make sure it says “Successfully installed PySide*” where * mean unlimited characters after like in the DOS days.
That is it we have pie. I mean PySide2. I am glad this topic is concluded this topic because I am spending some serious time trying to suppress all these pie puns. Next up we have libluetooth-dev. I am having some issue coming up with a pun for this one so this is a good sign.
Any questions comments or concerns about PySide, just drop them below in the comments.